Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is Race Still An Issue

What is the deal with black men dating white women vs. black women dating white men? You would think in this day and age and especially the younger generations would no longer see race as an issue in dating. Music is ever converging and blurring the color lines so why not the relationship scene just as fast? I have personally experienced the difficulty in finding my white counterparts who seem interested in dating outside their race. It doesn't seem so difficult for white women to find black males who are interested. Maybe I am wrong but this is how it seems as have some of my female friends have pointed out as well. I have asked a few of my male friends their thoughts on dating outside their race and they have stated its not an issue for them. So then what seems to be the problem? Well we tend to date those who we come in frequent and contact with so if we aren't in the environment with white males the likelihood of dating them becomes slim to none. Perhaps our common interests or careers don't usually place us in these types of environments. Then comes the rejection factor. Rejection is difficult for male or female so to go that extra mile to approach someone of a different race places the rate of rejection higher because people do view race as a factor. Perhaps not in a negative light but the outside is always seen before the personality is discovered. Its just human nature which can't be changed unless we all become blind. Perhaps black males come in more contact with white women than do black women with white males. I don't think its so much a matter of discrimination than is opportunity. So to all my females and males out there looking to date outside their race don't give up. Just build up the courage because what you think that person may not go for could be exactly what they want.

Wisdom & Love

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